英语摩擦辅音(Spirant Consonants) 第十九课英语摩擦辅音(1) /f/ /v/ 1. 教学目标/f/ /v/ 发音部位: /f/ /v/为唇齿摩擦音 发音方法: 下唇轻触上齿, 气流由唇齿间的缝隙中通过, 摩擦成音。/f/发音时送气强, 但声带不振动; /v/发音时声带振动, 但气流较弱。注意由于汉语中没有/v/的发音, 要多加练习, 不要用清辅音来代替这个浊辅音; 也不要和后面要讲的半元音/w/混淆。/v/是唇齿摩擦音, 而/W/为舌后双唇音。 音素体验 1: /f/ flower; first; wife; knife; laugh; cough 音素体验 2: /v/ vegetables; visit; vow; five; drive; seven 2. 对话演练(Dialogues) 1)A: What can I do for you? 你需要什么? B: I'm looking for a pair of earrings. 我在找一对耳环。 A: Well, here they are. The latest style. 给你。这是最新的款式。 B: How beautiful! I've never seen anything like them. 真漂亮!我还没看见过这么漂亮的耳环呢。 A: Well, you can have them for eleven pounds. 好吧, 11 英镑卖给你吧。 B: I think five is enough. 我看5英镑就足够了。 A: What? Five pounds? 什么? 5英镑? B: Well, seven pounds, then. 好了, 那么7英镑好了。 2)A: What are you doing, Victor? 大卫, 你在干什么呢? B: I'm planning to buy some food and drinks. 我打算买些食物和饮料。 A: What for? 干什么呢? B: For the party, of course. 当然是为了聚会。 A: A Valentine's Day Party? 是情人节聚会吗? B: Yes. We've invited all our friends from the sophomore class. 是的。我们邀请了二年级的所有朋友。 3. 脱口而出(Speak out) 朗读下列语句, 注意发好摩擦音/f/ /v/。 1) We serve soft-drink at five. 我们5点钟供应饮料。 2) Vicki is a football fan. 维基是个足球迷。 3) The vote was positive, not negative. 选举结果是赞成, 不是反对o 4) The detective found various photos in the file. 侦探在档案里发现了各种照片。 5) If I were you, I'd give up smoking. 如果我是你, 我就把烟戒掉。 第二十课 英语摩擦辅音(2) /θ/ /ð/ 1. 教学目标/θ/ /ð/ 发音部位: /θ/ /ð/为舌尖齿背摩擦音 发音方法: 舌尖轻触上齿下边缘, 气流从舌齿间的细小缝隙逸出, 摩擦成音。/θ/是清辅音, 声带不振动, 送气强; /ð/是浊辅音, 声带振动, 送气弱。注意由于汉语里只有唇齿音/f/和舌尖音/s/,而没有舌齿音/θ/ /ð/, 发这两个音会比较困难。发舌齿音的关键在于要“吐舌”且放在上下齿之间, 但不要咬住, 就能发出这两个舌齿摩擦音。 音素体验 1: /θ/ a thread; a thumb; birth; death 音素体验 2: /ð/ this cat; that dog; mother; weather 2. 对话演练(Dialogue) 1)A: So much noise! 真吵啊! B: Oh, a dog and a cat. They are fighting each other. /ð/ /ð/ 哦, 是一只狗和一只猫。它们在打架。 A: Why do they do that? 它们为什么打架呢? /ð/ /ð/ B: Maybe they don't see eye to eye. 也许它们彼此看对方不顺眼吧。 /ð/ 2) A: Could you pass me that book, Catherine? 凯瑟琳, 你能把那本书递给我吗? /ð/ /θ/ B: Oh, you mean this one, father? 哦, 你是指这本吗, 爸爸? /ð/ /ð/ A: No, not that one, the other one. Yes, that's it. /ð/ /ð/ /ð/ /ð/ 不, 不是那本, 是另一本。对, 就是这本。 B: There you are, father. Is that all? 给你, 爸爸。没别的事了吧? /ð/ /ð/ /ð/ A: Yes, that's all for the moment. Thank you, Catherine. /ð/ /ð/ /θ/ /θ/ 是的, 这会儿没事。谢谢你, 凯瑟琳。 3. 脱口而出(Speak out) 朗读下列语句, 注意发好摩擦音/θ/和/ð/。 1) Together they went through thick and thin. 他们曾一起共过患难。 /ð/ /ð/ /θ/ /θ/ /θ/ 2) Everyone would wish him health and wealth.每个人都希望健康富有。 /θ/ /θ/ 3) It's hard to breathe in such hot weather.这么热的天呼吸都困难。 /ð/ /ð/ 4) My brother would rather wander on the street than go home. /ð/ /ð/ /ð/ 我兄弟宁愿在街上闲逛也不愿回家。 第二十一课英语摩擦辅音(3) /s/ /z/ 1. 教学目标/s/ /z/ 发音部位: /s/ /z/为舌尖齿龈摩擦音 发音方法: 舌前端靠近上齿龈, 但不接触, 上下齿靠拢, 但不咬住, 气流由舌端与上齿齿龈逸出, 摩擦成音。/s/是清辅音, 发音时送气, 但声带不振动; /z/是浊辅音发音时声带振动, 但不送气。 音素体验1: /s/ a seat; a stand; a house; mice; juice 音素体验 2: /z/ a zoo; a zebra; doze; has 2.对话演练(Dialogues) 1)A: I'll sing you a song. 我来给你唱支歌。 /s/ /s/ B: Sing a Song. But don't sing a sad song. 唱支歌吧。但是别唱令人悲伤的歌。 /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ A: What kind of song do you like best? 好吧。你最喜欢什么歌。 /s/ /s/ B: Err... Well, please sing what you like. 嗯…… 就唱你喜欢的吧。 /z//s/ A: OK, I'll sing Super Star, then. 好的, 就唱《超级巨星》吧。 /s/ /s/ /s/ 2)A: He has lots of hobbies.他爱好广泛。 /z/ /s/ /z/ B: And he said he's always busy with his paintings and photographs. /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /s/ 他说他总是忙于绘画和摄影。 A: He's won a dozen prizes for his paintings and photographs. /z/ /z/ /zɪz/ /z/ /s/ 他在绘画和摄影上多次获奖/ B: But as for his restaurant in the town. 但对他在城里的饭馆却…… /z/ /s/ A: He lets his cousin look after his restaurant. 他委托他的堂弟来照看他的饭馆。 /s/ /z/ /z/ /z//s/ B: He sounds more like an artist than a businessman. /s/ /z/ /s/ /z/ /s/ 听起来他更像个艺术家而不像个商人。 3. 脱口而出(Speak out} 朗读下列语句, 注意发好摩擦音/s/和/z/。 ., 1) Sally saw a snake in the grass. 莎莉在草丛里看到一条蛇 2) Susan can sing some Swiss songs. 苏珊会唱一些瑞士歌。 3) Susan is always so busy. 苏珊总是这么忙。 4) The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起, 在西方落下。 5) This is a non-smoking zone. 这里是禁烟区。 6) Those boys made a lot of noise, their cries could be heard for miles. 那些男孩子吵吵嚷嚷, 他们的叫喊声在很远的地方都能听得到。 第二十二课英语摩擦辅音(4) /ʃ/ /ʒ/ 1. 教学目标/ʃ/ /ʒ/ 发音部位: /ʃ/ /ʒ/为舌面齿龈后部摩擦音 发音方法: 舌前端抬起靠近上齿龈后部但不贴住, 舌身两侧紧贴上颚, 中间形成一条狭长的通道, 气流通过舌端与上齿音龈后部时摩擦成音。双唇稍向前突。/ʃ/是清辅音, 发音时要卷舌, 且只送气但声带不振动; /ʒ/是浊辅音, 发音时不卷舌, 且声带要振动。注意不要用普通话中的“sh”和“r”来代替音素/ʃ/和/ʒ/的发音。前者是卷舌音, 发音时要卷舌; 后者是平舌音, 发音时不卷舌。 音素体验 1: /ʃ/ a ship; a chef; share; T-shirt 音素体验 2: /ʒ/ a garage; treasure; a measure; rouge 2. 对话演练 (Dialogues) 1)A: Sir, this will suit you. It's in a very fashionable shade. /ʃ/ /ʃ/ 先生, 这件很适合你。颜色非常新潮。 B: Mm. But I just need a simple shirt. 嗯。但我只需要一件朴素的衬衣。 /ʃ/ A: This one, perhaps. It's got some special sewing on the sleeve. /ʃ/ 这件吧。这件衬衣袖口缝得很别致。 B: Can't you show me a simple shirt in an ordinary shade? /ʃ/ /ʃ/ /ʃ/ 你难道就不能给我找一件颜色普通、式样简单的衬衣吗? A: Why not try it on, sir? 先生, 为什么不试穿一下呢? B: Perhaps I should try the next shop. 也许我该去隔壁那家店看看了。 /ʃ/ /ʃ/ 2) A: That gives us a lot pleasure. 那真是令人高兴。 /ʒ/ B: What do you mean? 你指的是什么事? A: Well, the lost national treasures have come back. 就是丢失的国宝回来了。 /ʃ/ /ʒ/ B: I heard of that. The national treasures were stolen. /ʃ/ /ʒ/ 我听说那件事了。有些国宝被偷了。 A: The detective cracked the criminal case and returned the national treasures. 侦探破了此案, 那些国宝得以归还。 /ʃ/ /ʒ/ B: It seems that measures must be taken to protect the national treasures. /ʒ/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/ 看来必须采取措施来保护这些国宝。 3) A: Sheila, shall we meet this afternoon? 莎丽, 咱们今天下午见个面吧? /ʃ/ /ʃ/ B: OK. What time? 好吧。什么时间? B: The usual time. Four thirty. 和往常一样, 四点半。 /ʒ/ A: Alright. And where? 好的。什么地方? B: The usual place. The bar in front of the garage. /ʒ/ /ʒ/ 老地方。汽车修理场前面的那个酒吧。 A: And what will you wear? 那你穿什么样的衣服呢? B: Nothing unusual, my usual shirt. 没什么特别的, 就是我常穿的衬衣。 /ʒ/ /ʒ/ /ʃ/ 3. 脱口而出(Speak out) 朗读下列语句, 注意发好摩擦音/ʃ/和/ʒ/。 1 ) Shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 2) Measure for measure 以牙还牙 3) It was a pleasure to see the fashion show. 看这场时装表演是件很愉快的事。 4) These kinds of shorts and shoes are fashionable this year. 这款短裤和鞋子今年很流行。 5) The two families share a garage. 这两家共用一个车库。 第二十三课英语摩擦辅音(5) /h/ /r/ 1. 教学目标/h/ /r/ 发音部位: /h/为声门摩擦音; /r/为舌尖齿龈后部摩擦音 发音方法: /h/是清辅音, 发音时声门张开, 气流不受阻碍自由逸出口腔, 声带不振动, 只在通过声门时形成轻微摩擦, 口形随后面的元音而变化。注意气流通过声门时不要产生过多的摩擦, 以免把这个清辅音发得太重。发/r/音时舌头卷起靠近上齿龈后部, 舌两侧收拢轻触上齿龈, 双唇稍突出并收圆, 气流由舌尖与硬腭间逸出, /r/ 是浊辅音, 发音时声带振动。注意舌位较前, 轻微摩擦。 音素体验 1: /h/ a hole; who; behind; heat; hind 音素体验 2: /r/ room; Brown; front; write 2.对话演练(Dialogues) 1) A: Carol, it was wrong of you to get your mother worried. 卡罗尔, 你不该让你妈妈为你担心。 B: I'm so sorry I'm late. But Henry's car broke down. 我来晚了, 对不起。亨利的车坏了。 A: You shouldn't go out with Henry. 你不该和亨利去约会。 B: But I do love Henry. And I'm going to marry him. 但是我很爱亨利。我还要和他结婚呢。 A: Really, Carol, it's a horrible decision. 真的吗?卡罗尔。这真是个可怕的决定。 2)A: How happy Richard is! 理查德多快乐啊! B: Yes, he always looks happy. 是啊, 他总是显得很快乐。 A: How handsome Richard is! 理查德多帅啊! B: He is always holding a hat in his hand. 他手里总是拿着一顶帽子。 A: And how honest Richard is! 理查德多诚实啊。 B: Oh? Is Richard honest? 哦?理查德诚实吗? 3. 脱口而出(Speak out} 朗读下列语句, 注意发好摩擦音/h/和/r/。 1) Sorry, I'm in a hurry. 对不起, 我赶时间。 2) When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 人乡随俗。 3) I plan to follow through with it. 我打算坚持到底。 4) Reading with poor light is no good to your eyes. 在昏暗的光线下阅读对你的眼睛没好处。 5) The bride carried a pretty red rose. 新娘手捧一束漂売的红玫瑰花。 6) Hear much, speak little. 多听少说。 7) A cold hand and a warm heart. 手冷心肠热。
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